What is your type?
Our Senses
“Bask in the scents of our surroundings
Touch with true meaning without fleeting desire
Taste the world in ways you never thought. “
Loving you..
Realization dawned
Even in endless possibilities
There is still an end
Not Alone..
“So I’ve learned not to take my journey for granted
I have learned that the grass isn’t always greener,
I’ve learned that grass comes in a multitude of colors “
“Is it possible to delude one’s self that bad
Is it possible
That not even an inch of it was real “
Are We?
“How do you feed me?
Not materially
But mentally
Intellectually “
A Tribute to T-Mac
“You’ve always been more than a cousin
You’ve been a listening ear
A shoulder
A sounding board
My biggest inspiration
A never-ending support “
Good Girl…Gone
“Didn’t matter your story
If she loved you she loved you
When you were down
She was up for you “
Wicked Games
How I play you
Change you
Control you
Contour into everything
Your wants, needs, and desires”